Selasa, Januari 26, 2010
Senin, Januari 25, 2010
Oh well, it's Junho, what can I say? Um.. please be more handsome and cuter than now (you're handsome and cute now, if you don't wanna change, it's okay). Always be healthy, eat good foods, don't fall sick. I wish you and your family (and your 2PM members) to always be safe, healthy, and happy. Ah, be happy, Junho-gun. That's the most important thing. Okay?
The same thing goes for Dinda too.
Ow, my stomach hurts. Aww~
P.S: Tomorrow is Jaejae-oppa's!
Minggu, Januari 24, 2010
G.O.O.D Week
Clickie here, alright? And see for yourself. But, if you have a minimum connection or too lazy to even click, I'll paste the article below.
A couple of days ago, actress, TV host, and comedian Ellen DeGeneres left a blog post on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show‘ website asking people for international music suggestions. Ever since the post went up, TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki’s fanbase, strong>Cassiopeia, has bombarded the site with recommendations for TVXQ!
Cassies left comments on her site stating things such as, “TVXQ! Reason why you’ll love them? Simple. Because they’re all-in-one package” (Nabila Ghaisani). Hopefuls even commented, “Cassiopeians would rush to their televisions if they heard that DBSK would be appearing on your show!” (Username Milk). And although other idol bands such as SS501, Big Bang and 2PM were also suggested, the power of the Cassies seemed to overwhelm the Triple S, VIPs, and the Hottests combined!
Additionally, Ellen’s short blog simply states, “Ellen is discovering some amazing international music. Now she’s looking for more — and wants your help! If you know any great musicians from around the world, tell us why you think Ellen would love them.” Now I don’t know if Ellen will invite international artist(s) to her talk show, let alone talk about them on TV but who knows? Maybe she will!
This is an awesome opportunity to support your favorite Kpop group and help the Hallyu Wave gradually move stateside! So what are you waiting for? Click here to voice your support for TVXQ or any other artist/band that needs to be known!
credit: Allkpop.
But, wait, how come my name be there?
Well. As the article says, Ellen DeGeneres (my favorite talkshow besides Oprah, by the way) asked people for new international music suggestions. It took me times to think about what I was going to write, but I wrote it yesterday anyway. I posted it (below my comment on Ellen's page is Tisa's comment. I made her do that, by the way. I'm just that great).
And it seems like I posted the comment in the exact right moment.. with the exact right words. AKP staff(s) read it, I think, and they paste my comment to one of their article, including MY NAME! I'm just so happy MY NAME is in a TVXQ article! I have to make my unnies (and a lot of Indonesian Cassiopeia) jealous! If only they know that Nabila Ghaisani is Indonesian.. To make them jealous, I write this.
No, no. I'm not that mean. I don't intend to make you guys jealous. It's just that I'm lucky, that's all. Wait, now I'm bragging? NOOO!!
Well, anyway. I've been in a really good mood since yesterday.
Yesterday, I found a thread in Kaskus where this user shared a link to download a full version of Adobe Photoshop CS4 for FREE. I downloaded it immediately. I extracted it... AND NOW I HAVE A CS4 IN MY LAPTOP! My CS2 free trial has already been over for days now, and I get this greater version as a reward? Wow, I LOVE YOU GOD! I really am.
Despite the fact that there's Try Out tomorrow, and I haven't learn, I can skip happily to school tomorrow. YEAH! And I have to find my unnies. GYAHAHAHA!! I'm just that evil like my cousin, Changmin. We're fraternal twins after all (oookaay).
And I love you guys <3
P.S: For those who's curious about my comment, here it is.
Hi Ellen! I really love your show. You always crack me up! And I thank you that :)
I recently read your tweet and I quickly clicked the link when I read that you were looking for new musics to listen to. I have many recommendations but I'll just tell you the best ones.
Like what the other previous comments that scream, "TVXQ!", I also wanna scream that. TVXQ! Reason why you'll love them? Simple. Because they're all-in-one package. (<-- my most famous comment =)) *cracks up on self-joke*)
I want to recommend what people are recommending, Bolero and Love in the Ice. I call them 'The Most Spectacular Song', because they have high notes that are absolutely incredible! Even with sore throat, they can sing really well. Just check 'em up, you'll never regret it.
And since I know you want to dominate the world.. TVXQ has been in the Guiness Book of World Record for having the most fans for a boyband. 800,000 fans, and it's just in S.Korea! they'll have more in countries like America, Canada, Thailand, Argentina, Venezuela, even Tibet! with them, you can dominate the world for sure!
I also wanna recommend Super Junior, TVXQ's junior from the same agency. They're really good too, check them out!
Well, thanks for reading this. I really appreciate (and utterly HAPPY!) it if someday you'll mention TVXQ (and/or Super Junior) in your show. I will totally repeat that scene! Hahaha.
Sabtu, Januari 23, 2010
Em, gimana, ya? Jadi..
Masa ya, tadi kan gue ngecek Infantrum gitu (tanpa alasan yang jelas). Gue login kan (tapi pake yang invis) trus iseng banget gue ngesearch username gue. Kan udah gue ketik tuh, trus klik Search. Nah, trus muncul kan post-post member Infantrum yang mention username gue. Gue skrol-skrol aja gitu. Banyak yang gapenting-gapenting.. bla bla bla. Dan gue berhenti.
Ada pengumuman IFA 2008 (Indonesian Fanfiction Award 2008) yang dipost Oktober lalu. Gue bingung. Ini kayaknya IFA 2008 udah lama banget, malah sekarang udah mulai voting IFA 2009, kok dipostnya baru Oktober? Lah, trus kenapa gue ngesearch username gue, ini malah keluar? Nah, gue skrol-skrol aja tuh ya. Ternyata bo.
Ajigile ye. Padahal ceritanya imbisil gitu, udah gitu yang ngereview juga cuma 25 author/ess. Fic ini juga sama dengan mengumbar aib mama gue sendiri. Tapi, ga apa lah, yang penting the best! Thank you semuanyaaaa :) Thank you ya mom, udah ngebolehin gue (secara tidak langsung) ngepost ni fic dan menyetujuinya (okeee). I also wanna thank my readers, and the readers who reviewed! Without you guys, I am—
(dibekep sebelom nyerocos yang lain lagi)
Serasa di Grammy Award ya?
Ehem, anyway. Minggu depan gue TO tapi kenapa gue masih nyante? Jawabannya: karena gue emang nyante. Tapi, abis TO kan kelompok PM di rolling lagi ya? Duh, ngapain sih ah. Gue gamau menghancurkan gengsi gue nih. Kalo bahasa Indonesia gue turun GIMANAA? Gue kan aslinya parah banget ama bahasa ibu sendiri (oooo). Canbet. Tapi iya, gue kalo disuruh nemuin yang mana pokok paragraf, yang mana gagasan paragraf, gue bakal ngacir. GUE GATAU BEDANYA POKOK AMA GAGASAN MAMEN!
Dan gue berharap sesuatu yang mustahil; kelompok Matematik dan IPA gue at least naik satu. Amin. Tapi kayaknya mustahil, memandang gue ngerjain matematik aja ogah-ogahan, IPA masih nyontek Dinda.. gaada yang bener ini.
Masih kena Wookie's. Seriously, he needs to cut his hair back short like what Kibum just did.
Annyong hikyeseyo!
Minggu, Januari 03, 2010
Why am I posting about this? I just wanted to tell you about this cute tiger with its big sparkling-till-I-feel-like-stabbing-my-own-eye-out-cos-it’s-too-adorable eyes*. How do I find this at 11PM when there's school tomorrow? Don't ask. ARGH SCHOOL!! hateithateithateithateitnotinthemoodtolookatchangmin.
*: credit to peachinlabel@LJ
Sabtu, Januari 02, 2010
Masa di bibir kanan atas gue ada bentol =.=' Kata mama gue karena kebanyakan di depan komputer. Nah pas gue akhirnya ngga main komputer selama beberapa menit gitu, bentolnya malah makin gede! Akhirnya gue kasi minyak tawon, gatau deh ini. Trus tadi gue nelpon Tisa buat ngasi tau gue besok pulang abis maghrib trus gue bilang ke dia kalo ada bentol gitu di bibir gue, katanya kasi aja larutan garam yang dikasi air hangat. Gue lagi manasin air nih (dispenser gue yang air panas rusak) nunggu, liat aja gimana. Oke, kenapa gue nyeritain ini? Karena, um, gue gaada hal lain buat diceritain.
Oiya, udah pernah main Parampaa? Hehehe gue lagi suka nih, cuma cepet capek dan BT mainnya, walo udah ada cheatnya juga. Dari 99 level yang dikasi jawabannya, gue cuma bisa mentok di level 98! Nyebelin banget emang, tapi game itu seru banget. Yang mau main, kesini aja. Dan gue juga tadi mainin game aslinya, maksudnya game yang menginspirasikan Parampaa. The Impossible Quiz ( Lebih gajelas, tapi gue bisa sebagian soal dengan ajaibnya! Mungkin karena kebanyakan main Parampaa kali ya.
Ah, manfaat main Parampaa: Jadi ga gampang diboongin dan terpedaya. Main dan buktiin sendiri, banyak trick question disana.
Hm, masih dua hari di tahun 2010. Hari ini Ondy ulang taun loh! Dan di jam 4 pagi, gue ngapdet TLoF. KEREN KAN GUE NGERJAIN TLOF CUMA 8 CHAPTER DOANG AMPE 2 TAHUN?! Hm, gue doang kali ya tuh. Tapi alhamdulillah masih ada yang mau ngereview. Haha. Si Nisa ngefreak gitu waktu tau gue udah ngapdet, trus minta linknya abis itu gue bilang gaada SasuSakunya disitu trus katanya ntar gue mau digigit waktu masuk sekolah. Week yaudah gue gausah ketemu lo, Nis :P
Tapi, masih ada loh yang mau ngereview. Saya merasa terharu. *sob*
Masih kena Wookie's.
Anyong hikyeseyo!
P.S: TLoF chapter 8 (