Senin, September 28, 2009

Hips Sway

Hips sway, hips swaaa~y. Gue entah mengapa lagi suka hips sway. Ngga, hips sway bukan makanan ato jeans. HEH! Hips sway juga bukan nama TPU! (keren amat nama TPU doang pake bahasa inggris) Hips sway itu key move di lagu Abracadabra.

Nyeeh gue ngomongin Abracadabra lagi -__- abis gimana dong lagunya enak banget trus masa ya kemaren kemaren kan ceritanya gue ke apartemen gitu, trus abis itu bonyok gue makan di Artha sama temen-temen mereka. Karena bosen ngga bawa laptop, akhirnya gue nonton MTV ato Channel [V] aja. Eh ternyata itu bedua lagi muter JK Pop ama JK Hits. Yo wis dengan setianya gue tonton ampe abis. Nah pas di JK Pop tiba-tiba ada Abracadabra gitu. Wah gue langsung ceria gitu trus nyanyi-nyanyi.

Trus jam berapaaa gitu ada Pops In Seoul di Arirang. Isak-unnie seperti biasa kiyut kayak gue *slapped*. Dan pas gue ke Arirang tuh lagi ada TOP 20 chart PIS gitu. Trus gue nunggu-nunggu, apa Super Junior, DBSK, 2PM, 2AM, SNSD, f(x) ato Wonder Girls bakal masuk. Ternyata ngga ada yang gue sebutin. Tapi ada yang nomor 1 benar-benar MENGEJUTKAN! SURPRISING! UNEXPECTED! Udah sih biasa..


WAAAAH...!! Gue langsung loncat dari sofa begitu MV-nya diputer dan tau ngga? Gue langsung nyanyi dan nari-nari ngikutin gitu. Dih, mikirin sekarang bener-bener malu-maluin kalo ada bonyok gue. Untung gue sendiri. Trus abis itu gue dengan autisnya hips sway hips sway gitu loh. Lo semua harus coba hips sway-nya. ASIK TAU!

Oke, gue akan tenang sekarang.

Hari ini gue nge-save 20 halaman gambar-gambar 2PM. Gue sampe harus buka foto Wookie berkali-kali biar iman gue tetep sama dia.

Oiya gue baru inget. Akhir-akhir ini gue masa dibangunin ama kucing gua. Jadi tuh dia sekarang suka naik ke atas tempat tidur gue dan ngebangunin gue gitu deych. Ah gue mah gabakal kebangun kecuali dicakar ama dia. Dia naik, gue tetep tidur.

Udah ya, gue mau ngedance Abracadabra lagi.

Masih kena Wookie's.

Annyong hikasyeyo!

Kamis, September 24, 2009


Oke, gue akui gue ngasal ngasi nama. Tadinya mau 'Xiahtel', cuma kan Seattle ngga ada 'h'-nya. Dan 'Xiahtel' amat sangat terdengar seperti 'Wartel Xiah'. Sorry, Su! DON KIL MIII!! -________-

Jadi, um, begini ya. Singkat aja, karena gue lagi males ngapdet. Tadi gue ngubek-ngubek YouTube gitu dan gue nemu video ini di Related Videos. Sebenernya gue udah lama liat video itu di ReVis (seenaknya nyingkat) cuma baru malem ini gue berani nonton (kesannya kayak video apaan).

Video itu isinya adalah Jaebeom (gue ngebicarain dia lagi. yeiy!) yang merekam pesan waktu dia berkunjung ke rumahnya di Seattle, Washington, AS (bangga aja gue ada artis Korea kelahiran sana dan masih tinggal disana. mungkin Jay bakal kambek jadi artis Hollywood ya.. AMIN aja). Dan intinya, Jay ngomong kayak gini aja:

Kita untuk rajin belajar
Kita untuk terus beribadah
Kita untuk patuh pada orangtua
Kita untuk bekerja keras
Kita untuk menjadi diri kita sendiri

(Kasian euy si time2sub2 yang ngesub ini, kerjaannya dikit karena dari 1:23 menit video ini, Jay ngomong bahasa inggris selama kurang lebih 1 menit)

Ngedenger Jay ngomong gitu, gue langsung sadar. Dan tau apa dampaknya? Gue mau tobat. Ck, kalo tau gini udah gua tonton tuh video dari kapan tau biar tobat gue lebih cepet. Gue mau lebih rajin solat, lebih rajin belajar (yang kayaknya agak sulit, tapi demi Jay), lebih nurut sama ortu, lebih mau kerja keras dan lebih jadi diri gue sendiri. All for myself and Park Jaebeom. Ini adalah janji(-janjian) gue dengan Jay. Gue udah janji bakal ngelakuin semua itu, dan gue ngga boleh ingkar janji, toh? Mulai besok gue akan perbanyak ibadah (yah.. solat 5 waktu aja dulu dah) dan bakal me-review pelajaran matematika gue (ini, Jay, yang ngga gue janjiin). Yah.. walaupun Jay bilangnya 'Go to church', tapi otak gue ngetranslatenya 'Go to mosque'. Oke, gue males ke mesjid -______- Gue solat di rumah aja.

Nah, karena janji(-janjian) gue dengan Jay itu, mulai besok gue akan solat Subuh! WOW! Keren gila gue! Oke, gue jujur nih ya. Udah lama gue ngga solat subuh. Tiap abis ambil wudhu (itu pula wudhu ngasal karena masih 3 watt), gue ngunci pintu dan nyusruk bantal lagi. Ngeeehh.. terlalu mengantuk, saudara-saudari! Tapi demi janji(-janjian) sama Jay ini, gue akan solat subuh, walo mata gue juga 1 watt kaga ada! Yosh, Naput HWAITING!

Dan, um, soal belajar, kayaknya masih harus di niat-in dikit deh. Sodorin dulu Wookie baru mau belajar gue.

Yang mau liat videonya:

cr: time2sub2@YT

Masih kena Wookie's.

Annyong hikasyeyo!

Selasa, September 22, 2009

Wooyoungie's Message

Kenapa judulnya jadi kayak judul video YouTube, ya? Kebanyakan nonton Star King nih ah. ENIWEI. Gue lagi mau posting pake bahasa inggris ya. Karena gue kan gaya gitu pake bahasa inggris (padahal inggrisnya pas-pasan -_____-). Dan gue jadi pengen nulis Cy-style. Hmm.. ga ah. Gue kan bacot, gabisa nulis singkat-singkat kayak Suju di Cyworld mereka.

I went to bed at 3 in the morning (3AM) yesterday (or today?). Why? Ah, don't ask. You know that I'm an internet-addict and computer-addict, right? Yep, so I used internet until 3AM, watched various 2PM and Super Junior's videos and read fanfics.. I just don't want to sleep.

It's funny actually. I'm a heavy-sleeper but I don't like sleeping. Even though my eyes are so heavy and want to close, I don't want my eyes to close, because I want to stay up. I'm forcing my body too much, I know and I need rest, I do know that. But I just don't like sleeping. But when I have to wake up, I don't want to wake up unless I have to. That is what I call funny. But don't worry, I'm fine now. Just a little headache because I don't sleep much. I have finally feel what it's like to be Super Junior. They can only close their eyes and drift to sleep for just about 2-4 hours a day. A few months ago, I played internet until 3AM too even though I have school in like.. 3 and a half hour. I have to wake up at 5AM and could only slept for 2 hours. I can feel your tired body, my boys.. -_____-

Eh, yesterday is Sam's birthday. But I checked his facebook a few hours ago, and on his info, it stated that his birthday was September 12. Weird, huh? Could it be.. Sam's imposter? Does Sam actually HAS an imposter? What kind of person would pretends to be him? *raise eyebrow here* He told me with his own mouth that his birthday was September 21! It's not like he has fans, right? Is he?

ANYWAY. I don't know what I want to write again. Oh, I know! LEEJUNHOandOKTAECYEONarethedefinitionofHANDSOME. Nyah, what is that? Lee Junho and Ok Taecyeon are the definition of handsome? I'm entering the random world here, people. I just can't get over the fact that I LOVE writing about these beasty boys. They are just.. beast! In a good way.

And today, I finally made a folder for One Day in my laptop, and there are 2 sub-folder in it: 2AM and 2PM. And 2PM one is the busiest. I just downloaded their mini albums and now I have the whole 2 mini albums in my laptop (oh, Junho, please forgive me. I wish I could buy them, but I can't, honey! I promise, If I saw one of your mini albums in Jakarta, I will buy them!). And not just 2PM's mini albums, I also have the whole 2AM's mini album, 2AM and Time For Confession. Forgive me Jinwoon (?), I'll buy them if I saw them in Jakarta, which is totally impossible unless you swallow one whole cow (???).

And hear! My blog's songs are now not Super Junior, they're One Days'! Starting from 'Hate You' by 2PM, end with 'Confession of a Friend' by 2AM. Gah.. I'm so obsessed. Everyday, I would go to their group in Facebook and go through 10 pages of their oh-so-lovely photos. 10 per day. They are just too cute for words!

And.. where did I tossed Super Junior and DBSK, because I never talked about them again? ANIYO!! I didn't forget them. I watched a few (okay, A LOT) of DBSJ (with some 2PM..) vids because I MISS THEM. Gosh, why can't the court just finish up DBSK's lawsuit (with DBSK's winning of course) and Kangin's case? And also the Hottest...


I've just read a news about my Wooyoungie. He wrote in his Cyworld that he is frustated by Hottests. The message read:

It's so frustrating
Why do fans not understand our feelings

Jaebeom's feelings
Jin Young hyung's feelings
and our feelings...

I am so frustrated that I might go crazy

(cr: allkpop)

Well, I obviously think that this is what Woo really wrote. If he really wrote this.. wow, he must be so frustated. And now I fell a sudden anger toward Korean Hottest because they make the boys frustated. Why can't they just accept the fact that Jay was the one who CHOSE to leave, not JYP. So what if Jay quit 2PM? It's not like the world will turn grey the next morning. 'Hottests Boycotting 2PM'. Really, I'm sick of them. It hurts the boys feeling that their own fans boycott them. After all, 7-1=6. Seven minus one is six, not zero! Ok, it's like an idiom they use with 5-1=0 DBSK, but I have accept the fact that Jay needs time. Why can't Hottests understand their feelings? THEY ARE NOT HOTTEST IF THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND THEIR IDOL'S FEELING! Korean Hottests are just exaggerating. Maybe Jay just need time to heal and, who knows, maybe he'll come back on his own. If Hottests keep going like this, it'll make Jay feel more guilty. Really, I'll spill everything here. I am a Hottest, yes, but if I'm a Korean Hottest, would I, in clear mind and clear soul, follow my fellow Hottest? No. Just, no. Because I (hope) understand the boys' feeling. It doesn't matter if 2PM will continue as a 6 members group. I will always support them no matter what. As long as they and Jay happy, I'm happy. The stage would be a little empty because the short leader had left though.

--bahasa Indonesia mode--

Wauw. GUE CURHAT GILA! Ngga bisa dipungkiri bahwa gue sebel banget ama fans ngga berpikiran jernih itu. Ckck. Gue ini gimana ato apa, walo udah curhat juga, tetep aja ngeganjel. Gue emang ngga pinter curhat -_______-. I would like to abuse underscores now! -_________________________________________________________________________________________________________-


Annyong hikasyeyo!

Minggu, September 20, 2009


Hari ini lebaran ya. Maaf ya kalo gue ada salah sama kalian.

Oh iya, postingan kemaren gue tumbenan ya pake bahasa inggris? Gatau tuh tiba-tiba pengen nginggris aja. Hahaha. Mau gue posting pake inggris lagi? Gue sih ngga apa-apa, cuma lu-lu-nya bisa ngerti kaga? Pokoknya yang paling penting di update kemaren itu, gue bikin BLOG PENSIUN di LJ. Itu tempat gue nulis ff gue nanti kalo gue udah pensiun dari FFN.

Oh ya, Tiga Sekawan bikin blog loh kemaren malem! Visit ya, visit! URL mau gue ganti sih, abis terlalu biasa. Ntar gue update lagi URL barunya apa. Ada di daftar link gue.

Lebaran ini gue ngga kemana-mana dong, keren kan gue? Karena sodara yang mau gue tuju buat lebaran malah ke Jawa, jadinya ngga bisa kemana-mana. Kayak kata papa gue, "Lebaran ini sebatang kara." Bener sih.

Oh iya, di postingan kali ini gue mau nge-biased ngomongin Wookie (kemaren malem gue masukin gambar Wookie loh ke sidebar! Keliatan ga?), Kangin, 2PM, dan Dirty Eyed Girls.

Pertama, Wookie dulu. Gue sebenernya ngga ada yang mau dibicarain dari Wookie. Gue cuma mau bilang, kalo dia pake wig cewek itu CANTIK BANGET ngelebihin Miss Universe sekarang. Oke, gue lebay. Tapi menurut gue Miss Universe sekarang ngga cantik-cantik amat dah, dibanding ama Wookie. Iyalah, ini gue yang ngomong (walau dalam hati kecil gue yang besarnya cuma dua milimeter, gue bilang Miss Universe 2009 emang cantik banget). Yang mau liat foto Wookie waktu perform GEE:


(cr: sapphirepearls)

Kedua, Kangin. Gara-gara dia ditangkep polisi itu, dia jadi ngga bakal bisa perform di ASF (Asian Song Festival - Dream Concert). Yah, ngga apa sih, seengaknya Kangin ngga bakal ketemu ama Agnes Monica (?). Cuma ya Wookie bakal tetep, seengaknya, liat Agnes! Wookie, daripada ngeliat Agnes Monica, mending liat gua. Lebih pendek ini dari Agnes (? Tau darimana?). Hasil penelitian CCTV di bar tempat Kangin terlibat perkelahian itu bakal keluar minggu depan, jadi berdo'a aja Kangin emang bener ngga bersalah, dia lagi sadar 100% waktu itu, dan dia sama sekali ngga ada hubungannya dengan perkelahian itu selain jadi korban dan saksi mata.

Ketiga, 2PM. Kayaknya gue bener-bener ngga ada abisnya kalo ngomongin Beasty-Idols satu ini. Baru-baru ini, JYP ngeluarin pernyataan kalo 2PM bakal terus jalan sebagai 'grup 6 personil'. Ya jelas HOTTEST ngga terima dong ah. Gue sebenernya rada ga terima, gimana kalo anak-anak 2PM juga ga terima? Kan kasihan. Tapi gue lepas aja. Toh kalo misalnya ternyata 2PM emang mau gitu, ya gue ngikut aja. Ngomong-ngomong, ada sebuah berita baru nih dari Seattle. Papanya temennya Jaebeom ngepost di internet, bilang kalo Jay sekarang mood-nya udah agak baikan (baguslah) dan katanya dia mau balik ke Korea, cuma NGGA YAKIN. Yaampun Jay, HOTTEST udah nungguin lo. Gue ngga maksa lo buat balik, cuma senengin hati para fans lo dong, dengan balik ke 2PM dan jadi leadja Beasty-Idols lagi. Oke, itu maksa.

Keempat, Dirty Eyed Girls. Gue belom pernah bilang ini apa ya. DEG itu adalah grup parodi dari Brown Eyed Girls, dibikin oleh tiga personil 2PM yang kesepian ditinggal 4 personil lainnya pergi karena jadwal. Karena bosen, akhirnya Taecyeon, Wooyoung dan Chansung nelpon sepupu mereka, 2AM, dan akhirnya Jo Kwon dan Seul Ong setuju untuk nemenin personil 2PM yang ditinggal itu untuk ngebuat grup baru. Waktu lagi mikirin lagu apa yang mau mereka parodiin, mereka akhirnya milih Abracadabra. Dan karena Abracadabra itu lagunya BEG, jadilah namanya Dirty Eyed Girls. Usulan my Wooyoungie tuh! Waktu gue nonton MV mereka, gue harus tutup mata. Gila. HOMO ABIIIISSS!!! MV BEG sendiri juga lesbi banget. Tapi tetep kocak. Pas sesi rekamannya juga kocak.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang Abracadabra, gue bener-bener ketagihan ama lagu itu (apalagi versi DEG XD). Apalagi di MV-nya (tenang, gue nontonnya yang dance version kok, itu juga ngga gue tonton sepenuhnya) kan dancenya keren abis! Hip-swing-nya itu yang bikin gue ketagihan. Ga In-unnie (jailah unnie) keren bangeeeeettt...!!

Oke, gue akan berhenti disini. Pokoknya: 2PM, DBSK, Super Junior, 2AM, SHINee, Dirty Eyed Girls (?) HWAITING!

Annyong hikasyeyo!

Sabtu, September 19, 2009

Saengil chukkahamnida...

Happy birthday, myself.


Although it's totally late.

(It's really weird. I'm late to say 'happy birthday' to myself)

It's the last day of Ramadhan, eh? I was supposed to play fireworks with my friends but, I don't know. They haven't called. And hey, I wrote a new acronym. It's about the pink old leadja, Park Jaebeom (pronounce Pa' Jebum by himself). Anyway, here it is:

P: Plenty of charisma. You fought
A: Against anti fans, but eventually you lose.
R: Returning to Seattle was not a very clever idea,
K: Knowing that HOTTEST will stop you. But
J: Jay, you keep walking to the faithful gate.
A: All of your fans will always waiting for you.
E: Even if you don't want to return.
B: But, do you know that you have left your team an
E: Enormous state of depression?
O: Old pink man, you stupid. But no matter how stupid you are,
M: My heart just can't find a reason not to love you.

I'm in my chessy mode again -______________________-

I don't have any pictures to spam here. Hmm.. I haven't update this blog for about 3 days? Sorry. I've been busy, preparing my 'retire blog'. What is the retire blog? Well, I'll be out of FFN soon, so I decided to make a blog for my fanfics. Please anticipate it *bow*.

And by the way, I just published a new fic, it's my comeback + birthday fic. It's entitled '7 YEARS OF LOVE' based on a song by Yoo Youngsuk. It's here: 7 Years of Love - A fic by Inuzumaki Helen.

And this retire blog.. If you want to check it out, go here: The Eternal Magnae's.
And I'm so happy! Because of my LJ account, I can finally join the jaeho_detox community! I really love that community. It's the mini heaven of YunJae fans! ^_______________________^

Agh, I like to use a lot of underscores now. Blame Eunhyuk for that! Lee Hyukjaeee..!!

I'm so cool, I am writing this with a bottle of YOU C-1000 besides the laptop. I feel like becoming a Miss Universe. Okay, stop that. It's not even awesome.

Aah, it's raining. Is it me, or is it getting cold recently? Anyway, don't fall sick ^^

Annyong hikasyeyo!

Selasa, September 15, 2009

I'm Crazy Over...



And never trust SM Ent. with their timing. Gue udah buka inet dari pagi ternyata baru keluar malem padahal bilangnya dirilis AFTERNOON! Ckckck.. Blogger ga bisa ngepost video dari youtube-nya, jadi gue upload pake Blogger Video aja.

Hanya satu kalimat pendek: RYEOWOOK GANTEEEENNNGG...!!!
Dan kalimat lainnya: HENRY IMUUUTTT...!!!
Satu kalimat lainnya: HANKYUNG KEREN ABIIISS...!!
Satu kalimat keluar lagi: ZHOUMI-AH GILA GANTENG ABIIIISS...!!!
Satu kalimat lagi: SIWON... mirip Joe Jonas lu. Tapi dance lo keren (ini dua kalimat, oke?)
Dan kalimat terakhir: DONGHAE... minimkan suara Anda di chorus (langsung dibantai fans-nya fishy).

I mean, seriously. SYUPAH GELL?! Kenapa Henry, yang notabene orang Kanada ngga ngajarin mereka pelafalan yang bener? Careless magnae dasar. Dan gue cinta duet Wookie dan Mochi (Henry) di 0:47-1:02.


Entah mengapa gue sekarang lagi suka bikin akronim. Ah, gara-gara bantuin mami bikin akronim dari nama David Archuleta buat kontes sih. Oh iya, menang loh. Dan gua dapet komisi. Nyehehehe...

Dan ini ada beberapa hasil dari akronim yang gue bikin. Banyak yang cheesy-cheesy gombal, sih.

D: Dear, Dongwook,
Of course, I’ve known you long enough. And I would
Never find any other cute actor like you.
Good qualities, you have those.
Wealthy, of course you’re wealthy.
Oh, you’re in military now. All
O: Of your fans are waiting for your comeback.
Keep you fans’ hope in place, Dongwook-sshi.
L: Late in the night, I’ll think of you. In the
Evening, I’ll think of you also. I will
Emphazise the word ‘love’ to you when we meet.

S: Someone who is sweeter than all the sweets in the world combine
He’s Changmin. Changmin, you’re the loveliest magnae ever.
Intelligent is always in your vocabulary, right? Because you’re the smartest.
My, you are such a perfect God’s creation.
Changing from pretty boy to a man, that is your goal. Well, you
Have it. You are
A full man now.
Needs you, the world needs you badly, Changmin. Not just the
Good-goody little boy we knew, but we also need your voice. Voice that
Melts millions of people. Your voice
It’s so heart-warming. So, Changmin, will you be at our side
Need you?

L: Let your body follow the flow,
E: Eunhyuk.
Extremely talented. Don’t waste them,
You aren’t really a person with a good feature,
Unlike some of your friends. But when you’re dancing to the rhythm, you’re also
Keeping people’s gazes at your moving body.
J: Just you, only you. You
Are able to make me swoon in place. I absolutely love you,
Eunhyuk my jewel.

D: Dear my fishy,
Only you can make me go
Nuts. You’re the only person that can make me
Go fly
High in the sky.
And not to mention, you can
Easily take my breath away,
Leaving me breathless. But I know you’re not perfect.
Except for the fact that you were actually meant to be perfect.
Everything, just like what you sang that day. You are my everything.

Dan ini dua favorit gue:

K: Kind. There is no other word to describe you.
Impossible to hate. You have no hater, I believe.
Miraculously cute, you are. Do you notice?
Ryeowook, where were you all my live?
Youthful, that is what your face tells the people. That is one of the reason why you are the
Eternal Magnae. I love you status. Do you know that you are the
Owner of the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen?
Without being cheesy, I can’t do that. Not when I’m writing to the
Owner of the most heart-warming smile in the whole universe.
Oranges, I really love them. But nothing can even replace my love for you.
Kim Ryeowook, I won’t ever find your replacement in my tiny heart. Because, my love, only you can fit in there.

K: Kite. Do you like kite, oppa?
It’s my hopes. Kite is my hopes.
My hopes are all stuffed into a giant kite.
J: Judging from your childishness, you like it, aren’t you?
UFO. Do you know UFO, oppa?
Never believe in them, but I believe they’re my hopes that flew farther than kite.
Someday, I hope I can meet you.
Until that day, my hopes are flying and soaring in the sky.

D: Dive deep down in the
Ocean, you will find them. They’re everywhere.
Never leave their fans, they will never leave us.
Good, no, excellent qualities. 5 in 1.
Because Dong Bang Shin Ki,
Are ONE.
Neatly arranged melody,
Good composed music,
Surprises for their fans, for us.
Happy, always look happy, even when they are breaking inside.
In their memories, family, friends, and fans will last forever, we know that.
Never, they have never dissapoint us.
Keep the faith, always keep the faith. Because…
It’s 5-1=0. It’s Dong Bang Shin Ki.

Lihatlah betapa geje dan gombalnya.

Tau ga sih ini jam berapa? 1:56AM. Bentar lagi udah 2AM, udah deh. Gue ngga mau tidur ngimpiin Jo Kwon! Bisa gila gue pas bangunnya. Ini aja gue lagi dengerin parody Abracadabra-nya Dirty Eyed Girls. Ngomong-ngomong tentang DEG, masa gue pindah ke lain hati. Ga seluruhnya sih. Tapi gue sekarang lagi falling over seseorang bernama LEE JUNHO from 2PM (dia marah ga ya kalo gue kasi wana pink?). Gue cinta ama senyumnya, sama kayak gue cinta ama senyum Taecyeon. And Junho's smile-eyes.. Aish, tapi bukan berarti gue suka ama Rain loh ya (Junho kan mirip ama Rain, makanya disebut 'Mini-Rain'). Junho saranghae! Ngga, ngga. Taecyeon saranghae! Eilah ga boleh. Yunho saranghae! Yaampun. Ryeowook saranghae! Tapi gue masih cinta tiga-tiganya.. Junho-Taecyeon-Yunho-Ryeowook saranghae! Noh, puas?! Kenapa Yunho nyempil gitu?

Oh iya, tau ngga Kim Joon yang main BBF, yang jadi Woo Bin? Dia ternyata ganteng banget ya ngeluarin single featuring Kim Hyun Joong loh. Dan waktu pertama kali dengerin, gue langsung jatuh hati. MV-nya juga keren dan gue suka melodinya. Enak denger suara Kim Joon sendiri. Oh ya, nama single Kim Joon itu Jun Be Ok. Denger deh, enak banget loh.

Masih kena Wookie's. Serius, gue harus cari nama yang lebih keren dari ini.

Annyong hikasyeyo!

video credit: sment@YT