Minggu, Januari 03, 2010


See this?

Its eyes just scream, "BUY MEEEEH!!" and I squeal in glee. CUTENESS OVERLOAD! I just love stuffed animals! I have MANY in my house, and I'm planning to bring them down to my room. My room will be filled with STUFFED ANIMALS!! AAAAAAAHHH...!!! *dies*

Why am I posting about this? I just wanted to tell you about this cute tiger with its big sparkling-till-I-feel-like-stabbing-my-own-eye-out-cos-it’s-too-adorable eyes*. How do I find this at 11PM when there's school tomorrow? Don't ask. ARGH SCHOOL!! hateithateithateithateitnotinthemoodtolookatchangmin.

*: credit to peachinlabel@LJ

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