Selasa, Mei 05, 2009


Aaa.. gue di-tag. Jangan banyak bacot ah. Pengen cepet selse nih.

The Rules :

1. respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. tag eight other people.

what is your current obsession?

hmm.. beli hape baru?

what is your weirdest obsession?
pengen loncat-loncat di atas lift

what are you wearing today?
t-shirt item oleh-oleh papa dari Thailand sama celana training abu-abu Hush Puppies

what’s for dinner today?
nasi putih pake semur kentang. kesukaan gue lah.

makeup kit you cant live without?
lotion tuh masuk makeup bukan sih? kalo bukan ya lip balm. tapi alay deh gue udah pake lip balm masa bibir gue masih kering?!

what would you like to learn to do?
belajar piano lagi..

what’s the last thing you bought?
pulsa im3 10.000 tadi pagi

what are you listening to right now?
First Snow - Super Junior. di kepala sih.

what is your favorite weather?
ujan-ujan gitu kalo untuk di Indonesia. kalo di luar negeri, gue paling suka autumn.

what is your most challenging goal right now?
rapot bagus buat naik kelas nanti, biar hukuman gue diringankan!!

what do you think about the person who tagged you?
kocak. dulu waktu pertama kelas 8 gue nempel terus ama die. wkwkwkwk.

if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
sebuah apartemen mewah yang tentu saja berlokasi di MANHATTAN. di Upper dong ah. kedua ya di Seoul pastinya.

what would you like to have in your hands right now?
hape gue yang lagi di-charge di kamar bonyok di sebelah.

what would you like to get rid of?
moody. gue mah gaasik orangnnya moody-an. wkwkwk ngaku gue.

if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
NEW YORK dibilangin juga! Abis itu SEOUL!

which language do you want to learn?
Korean ama Mandarin. ga ding gue lebih milih Korean.

what do you look for in a friend?
*ngakak liat jawaban Nisa* wkwkwk sama dah nis! tapi dia kadang baca blog gue gimana dong? yang kocak dan asik diajak ngomong dah *dan asik diajak bacotan*

who do you want to meet in person?
KIM RYEOWOOK, suami gue yang sedang bekerja di Seoul sana *halah* sama Eddie Cahill, mantan tunangan gue.

what’s your favorite type of music?
Pop RnB

what’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
apaan ya? Karliqua kali?

what is your dream job?
polisi forensik. CSI gitu. tapi kadang gue juga pengen jadi guru TK..

any favorite models?

if you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
1/4-nya. 3/4-nya tabung lah

favorite song?
Sorry, Sorry - Super Junior

do you admire anyone’s style?
not really. i have my own.

describe your personal style
yang penting enak

last fashion magazine you read?
ga baca

last thing you saw on TV?
Is It Real?

hollywood star (girl) that you like?
siapa ya? Ashley Tisdale.

what rule(s) do you like to break?
jam malem. bukan maksudnya gue suka keluyuran malem-malem bukan, cuma gue suka tidurnya gila malem tengah malem tanpa sepengetahuan bonyok.

Gue tag siapapun yang mau. Ga lah gue tag Pungky deh ya.

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