Kamis, Desember 04, 2008

'Kit Peluut~

Oke, cukup dengan sok imutnya. Seharian ini gue sakit perut mulu! Benar-benar..

Kemaren gue bolos BaCis dengan alasan ada urusan ama temen (emang bener ada urusan ama Ondy sih.. TAPI BIKIN AMV!). Hehe.. pis! Ampun, monsieur!!

Anyway, gue ngepost ini dari hape.. dan udah ada Pak Karman! Bebal banget ya gue?

Gue ga suka deh ama toilet TK. Kenapa? Simple. Karena cowo-cewe digabung. Mungkin guru-gurunya berpikir, ''Ah, TK ini..'' Tapi, woi! Kami anak SMP juga pada make tu toilet!

Anyway (again), tadi waktu lagi ulangan matematika yang susahnya pol, Anes tiba-tiba bilang, ''Woi! Ada Pasha (UNGU) lagi nyoba drum!!'' Lah? Ngapain coba Pasha di sekolah gue dan ngapain juga doski nyobain drum? Oh, mungkin dia lagi mo manggung di lapangan SMA yang acaranya di sponsorin Fruit Tea.. Mo nonton ni gue tapi kan abis ujan gini emang enak?

Lyrics of the Day

'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down

You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight we break up
We kiss we make up

[Katy Perry - Hot N Cold]

Masih kena Eddielyptus.

Ja ne, dattebayo!

2 traces:

shaaays mengatakan...

hmm, you can find lots of facts like that anywhere on internet.
well, they told me that the end of the episode, danny hold lindsay hand and touch her belly.
guess he wat that baby.. and lindsay a well.

shaaays mengatakan...

wrong typing---------------
guess he want that baby..and lindsay as well